BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Enlisting remote vaults for folders

NEW  Enlisting remote vaults for folders

Enlisting a remote vault for a folder causes a copy of the current folder to be sent to that vault. The folder can be a normal folder, a folder with custom properties (that can also be copied, depending on the system configuration), or a project folder. The contents of the folder (sub-folders and documents) are not copied. Unlike replicated documents, folders do not have an owner.

Certain rules and limitations apply to replicated project folders created by Meridian Enterprise Managed Change or the Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module:

Before you begin

You must have the Enlist Vault privilege to enlist vaults for folders the same as for documents. Also, consider whether the folder might contain parts of assemblies that reside in other folders. All parts of an assembly must be in a released workflow state when collaborating vaults are enlisted. Otherwise, parts will not be able to be released at the remote sites.

To enlist a remote vault for a folder:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise PowerUser, select the folder for which you want to enlist a remote vault.
  2. Click the Collaboration tab. The Collaboration property page appears.
  3. Click the Edit button in the lower right corner of the window. The property page becomes editable.
  4. Click Share Name list, select the remote vaults that you want to enlist for the selected folder.
  5. Select options as described in the following table.
Collaboration options
Option Description

Synchronize role assignments

Copies the security role assignments of the folder to the enlisted vaults. For information about mapping groups between separate domains, see the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework Administrator's Guide.

Enlist folder shares for new documents

Enlists the same vaults initially for new documents created in replicated folders as the vaults that are enlisted for the current folder. However, the enlistments do not remain synchronized between the folder and the documents and must be managed separately. This option does not effect project copies, which always enlist the same vaults.

Allow Release as Master Revision

Permits replicated project copies in the replicated folders to be released as master revisions in the enlisted vaults. This option is only available if the current folder is a project folder created by Meridian Enterprise Managed Change or the Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module. This option should only be enabled if the master documents are also replicated to the selected vaults. Otherwise, the master documents for the project copies will not exist in the enlisted vaults and the references will be invalid.

Note    The settings for these options are not replicated to the enlisted vaults and must be set at the remote sites.

  1. Click OK to save your changes.The selected vaults are enlisted and a copy of the current folder will be sent to them by the next GCF scheduled transfer.

Related concepts

Working with offline sites

Related tasks

Enlisting remote vaults for documents

Viewing collaboration status

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